kotlin dice rolling library for table top RPGs
Kotlin dice rolling library for table top RPGs.
ManyDice is a Kotlin library that allows you to simulate dice-rolling scenarios, and find out the probability distributions of arbitrary outcomes. For example, are you a Dungeon Master? You can use this tool to design fair but random scenarios, and calculate the chance that your players will succeed. For probability enthusiasts: it can simulate all finite Random Variables, and is capable of handling dependent events and conditional probabilities.
Use this space to write your dice scenarios. See below for usage information. For now, you will have to copy it to a text file that you save on your computer, to avoid losing it. I plan to make this better in the future.
import chriscoomber.manydice.*
fun main() {
// Write your code here!
val X = fairDice(6)
val result = X.rollAlone()
println("$X rolled a $result")
The easiest way is to type your code into the box above. However, since it is a Kotlin library you can also import it into your own project. See github for details.
It might be useful to know basic Kotlin syntax, such as variables, functions and closures. I won’t be able to do a better job than the Kotlin docs.
All of these examples can be edited and run on the online compiler. Feel free to experiment as you learn the syntax!
Fair dice can be defined using some form of the fairDice() function. All dice can be rolled alone with the rollAlone function, or can be rolled together with rollTogether
import chriscoomber.manydice.*
fun main() {
// Here we define two dice
val X = fairDice(6)
val Y = fairDice(20)
// Here we roll the first dice and print the result
val XRoll = X.rollAlone()
println("$X rolled a $XRoll")
// Rolling the dice again may produce a different result.
println("Rolling $X a few more times: ${X.rollAlone()}, ${X.rollAlone()}, ${X.rollAlone()}, ${X.rollAlone()}")
// Here we roll both dice together.
val togetherRoll = rollTogether(listOf(X, Y))
println("When rolled together we get: $togetherRoll")
import chriscoomber.manydice.*
fun main() {
// Define simple fair dice. This will be rolled independently to any other dice you define
// in this way.
val X = fairDice(6, "X")
val Y = fairDice(6, "y")
// Roll them separately or together
println("Roll X (1d6): ${X.rollAlone()}")
println("Roll X again: ${X.rollAlone()}")
println("Roll both X and Y (1d6): ${rollTogether(X, Y)}")
// Can define dice with arbitrary faces. Simply specify how many occurrances each face has.
val colourDice = fairDice(mapOf("red" to 1, "blue" to 4, "yellow" to 1), "colourDice")
println("Roll colourDice: ${colourDice.rollAlone()}")
// Define random variables based off of dice
val Z = (X + Y).setName("Z")
println("Roll Z = X + Y: ${Z.rollAlone()}")
println("Roll X: ${X.rollAlone()}")
println("Roll Y: ${Y.rollAlone()}")
// The roll of X above + the roll of Y above probably didn't add to the roll of Z above.
// To ensure consistent rolls, it's crucial that they are rolled together.
println("Roll them all together: ${rollTogether(listOf(X, Y, Z))}")
// Can define random variables based off of other random variables
val Ztimes2 = (Z * 2).setName("Z * 2")
val ZminusX = (Z - X).setName("Z - X")
println("Include some other random variables: ${rollTogether(listOf(X, Y, Z, Ztimes2, ZminusX))}")
// The simple operations like +, -, * are defined for the most common cases, but in general
// you can use the `map` and `combine` functions.
val coin = fairDice(2).map { if (it == 1) "Heads" else "Tails" }.setName("coin")
println("Flip coin: ${coin.rollAlone()}")
val XgreaterThanY = combine(X, Y) { x, y -> x > y }.setName("X > Y")
println("Roll X, Y and X>Y: ${rollTogether(X, Y, XgreaterThanY)}")
// Can make copies of dice which are independent to their original.
val Xcopy = X.copy()
println("X and Xcopy can take different values: ${rollTogether(X, Xcopy)}")
// Can even make copies of general random variables, such as X + Y. This makes a copy of
// all relevant random variables under the hood.
val Zcopy = Z.copy()
println("Zcopy is totally independent from X, Y and Z: ${rollTogether(listOf(X, Y, Z, Zcopy))}")
// You can also find out the distribution of any random variable
println("PMF of Z: ${Z.probabilityMassFunction}")
// Even if their values are not integers
println("PMF of coin: ${coin.probabilityMassFunction}")
// You can also ask for the distribution of a random variable, given some restraint on
// another random variable
println("PMF of X given Z>10: ${X.conditionalProbabilityMassFunction(Z) { it > 10 }}")
val ZequalsYplus3 = combine(Z, Y) { z, y -> z == y + 3 }.setName("Z = Y + 3")
println("PMF of X given Z=Y+3: ${X.conditionalProbabilityMassFunction(ZequalsYplus3) { it == true }}")